Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Washington Post Says Beto O'Rourke Lying About Trying To Leave Scene of DWI Accident; Gives His Debate Claim "Four Pinocchios" [#TXPOLITICS 24/7]

The Washington Post took an in-depth look at the claim that US Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke that  he never tried to flee the scene of a DWI in 1998. Police reports indicate that he did, in fact, leave, says the paper.

During a Sept. 21 debate with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), O’Rourke was asked pointblank about a drunk-driving incident when he was 26 years old: Did he try to leave the scene of the accident? The Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News had recently obtained the police reports of the incident and reported he had done so, stopped only by a bystander. But he replied, in what it called a "well-rehearsed answer":

"I did not try to leave the scene of the accident, though driving drunk, which I did, is a terrible mistake for which there is no excuse or justification or defense, and I will not try to provide one."

The Post took on his claims (though clearly seeking an excuse to justify his obfuscation:)
O’Rourke was so drunk that he could barely get out of the car without falling, so perhaps he would not have gotten far – or he was simply confused. Perhaps in his memory, O’Rourke believes he did not try to leave. But, given his [blood alcohol level] at the time of the accident, O’Rourke’s memory 20 years after the fact is not nearly as credible as the police reports written just hours after the accident.
O’Rourke could have dodged the question during the debate or he could have said his memory is not clear from that night. Instead, he chose to dispute the factual record. We also believe in second chances and O’Rourke should revise his answer if given another opportunity. In the meantime, he earns Four Pinocchios.
It's worth noting that the DWI charges were dismissed after O’Rourke, whose father had been a local judge, completed a court-approved diversion program.

For whatever reason, whether his internal polling shows that him revealing that "leaving the scene" would be a fact voters couldn't forgive, or whether he really doesn't remember, he's not being truthful with Texas voters.


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