Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Univ. Of Texas Investigating Allegation State Senator Texted Pic of Genitals to Grad Student [#TXPOLITICS 24/7]

The Austin American-Statesman is reporting the explosive allegation that state Sen. Charles Schwertner sent a sexually explicit image and text message to a graduate student he met at an on-campus event this summer. The University of Texas is investigating the allegations, which the paper received from three unnamed sources.

The student allegedly met Schwertner, a Georgetown Republican and a UT alumnus, at an on-campus event to which Schwertner was invited, and told him she was interested in working at the Legislature, according to two of the officials.

The paper reports:
After the event, they allegedly exchanged messages on the networking site LinkedIn before moving to text messaging. 
During an otherwise professional exchange on networking and career advice, Schwertner abruptly wrote, “I just really want to f—- you,” and sent her an image that appeared to be a picture of his genitals that was taken in the shower, according to a UT official who has seen the exchange and the photo.
Schwertner campaign spokesman Tom Holloway issued a statement denying the allegations.

“The Senator is eager to cooperate with the University of Texas and hopes to make clear he played no part in the behavior described," wrote Holloway.


Politically, Sen. Schwertner's district is solidly in the red, Republican column and he is probably in no danger of being defeated by his Democratic opponent, Meg Walsh.

However, it's less well known that he has aspirations to one day become lieutenant governor. Those hopes will be significantly affected if these allegations are proven to be true.

The immediate effect of the allegations alone will need to give Democrats yet another talking point to bolster their claim that Republicans are corrupt. This can only help the "Blue Wave" November narrative

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