Thursday, October 11, 2018

Sen. Ted Cruz And Possible 2020 Pres. Candidate Avenatti Tangle In Twitter War [#TXPOLITICS 24/7]

Stormy Daniels attorney and presumptive 2020 presidential candidate Michael Avenatti has endorsed Beto O'Rourke's US Senate race against Ted Cruz, drawing ridicule from the incumbent Republican, leading to a Twitter War between them both.

In a tweet, Cruz attacked Michael Avenatti, who represented one of the women who came forward during Senate hearings claiming now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh had attacked them in his youth.

“What did Michael Avenatti do right after beclowning himself with absurd and slanderous allegations during the Kavanaugh circus? Endorse Beto,” Cruz tweeted Thursday.

The tweet came a day after Avenatti endorsed O'Rourke on Twitter, writing, ".@BetoORourke deserves all of our support. He is fighting the good fight every day. He would make an exceptional senator for Texas."

Avenatti, not to be outdone, tweeted back to Cruz, saying:

"My mother, born in Lueders (Texas, not Canada), taught me to call it like I see it and talk straight. So as much as I hate to do this, I’m going to have to agree with @realDonaldTrump when it comes to Lyin’ Ted."

He proceeded to post screenshots of eight tweets critical of Cruz that Trump posted during the hotly contested 2016 campaign.

Avenatti is reportedly slated to host a fundraiser for the Harris County Democratic Party next Tuesday.

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