Friday, October 19, 2018

It's Official: US Sen. Candidate Beto O'Rourke Is A Solid "Yes" For Impeaching Trump In 2019 [#TXPOLITICS 24/7]

Well, all ambiguity about Democratic US Senate Candidate Beto O'Rourke's stand on impeachment has been swept aside, following his dramatic announcement during a CNN town hall that he would be a "Yes" in favor or impeaching Pres. Trump, if elected.

He had previously prevaricated on the subject (leaving voters with a tentative "Yes" this summer) but a question from CNN's Dana Bash during the live town hall Thursday, O'Rourke reiterated his belief that Trump should be impeached, saying "there is enough there" to begin the impeachment process.

"I haven't," he replied to a question whether he changed his mind since he called for the president’s impeachment last summer after the Trump-Putin summit in Finland. He explained that the summit was “collusion in action.”

"There may be an open question as to whether the president, then the candidate, sought to collude with the Russian government in 2016," the Democrat continued, pointing to the investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election.

Thus far, Congressional Democratic leaders have been eager to keep impeachment out of the 2018 campaign, unwilling to support a loud chorus of Democrats in Congress pushing for impeachment - likely because the issue would be, to say the least, extremely divisive.

If Democrats were to pass articles of impeachment upon potentially taking the House in November's midterms, the president would face a trial in the Senate that could lead to removal from office. That trial would likely take up most of 2019 - something many moderate voters would not be happy to see.

When pressed on why he would vote for impeachment without seeing the investigation's results, O'Rourke responded that enough public evidence already existed to convince him of Trump's potential guilt.

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