Monday, October 1, 2018

Democratic Lt. Gov. Candidate Collier Blames Legislature For Skyrocketing Local Property Taxes [#TXPOLITICS 24/7]

The Democrat's candidate for lieutenant governor, Mike Collier, a CPA, is blaming the Texas State Legislature for skyrocketing property tax rates, alleging that they have a penchant for pushing the tax burden down to the local level.

He tweeted recently, "The state cannot pay all its bills! We are in a fiscal death spiral, and the only place GOP turns to is local property taxes laundered through the school funding mechanism and unfunded mandates."

In an opinion piece for the Houston Chronicle, Collier expanded on this sentiment, saying the state, "has been playing a sinister game of pushing costs down to school districts and counties."
School districts and counties get their money from property taxes. Local property values keep going up, so school and county tax collections keep going up. And that lets the state slough off its obligations to local taxpayers. ...
There is no question that the state is responsible for skyrocketing property taxes, even though property taxes are collected locally. And it’s not just the school funding mechanism that drives property tax increases. The state passes laws that force counties to spend more money, and counties have no choice but to use rising local property taxes to pay their bills.
Read the full column here.

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