Monday, September 3, 2018

GOP Jittery As #Cruz Looks More And More Vulnerable To #Beto Bandwagon In November [#TXPOLITICS 24/7]

As poll after poll shows the contest between Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke neck and neck, and Gov. Abbott seemingly miles ahead of his opponent, the US Senate race is taking up all the oxygen in Texas politics these

Republicans around the country are beginning to worry about Cruz's ability to win a seat that was almost taken for granted would remain Republican.

The Dallas Morning News reports that with Beto O'Rourke fighting Ted Cruz to a draw in polls and topping him in cash, and his party itching to nab a Senate seat and end their drought in Texas, major GOP players are grappling with a possibility they haven't faced in decades.

Republicans fear that they may soon need to divert serious cash to Texas to protect their formerly "safe" US Senate seat here. For some, comments the Dallas Morning News, rather astutely, that would mean aiding a senator they don't much care for.

And the problem is complicated by a president who, just two years ago was pointing out how pointless and ineffective Senator Cruz has been in his position.

Of course, that was during a heated presidential campaign, but voters have a way of remembering these things, and Democrats are already joyfully regurgitating Trump slurs against Cruz.

Ted Cruz, with the help of national Republicans, may very well hold on to his seat in November, if only in a squeaker at the polls. But that would mean many millions would have to be taken in from races throughout the country that truly are, and always have been toss-ups. This can only be good news for Democrats, who are gleefully hoping for a Blue Wave election.

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