Thursday, August 2, 2018

#TedCruz Camp Attacks #BetoORourke For Taking PAC Money After Swearing It Off [#TXPolitics 24/7]

A spokesperson for Sen. Ted Cruz says Cruz's Democratic opponent, Beto O'Rourke, is "misleading" voters, because he's taking funds from an anti-Israel Political Action Committee after saying he wouldn't accept PAC funding. O'Rourke's campaign denies the charge.

In a release put out this week, the campaign, after noting that O'Rourke said he wouldn't accept any PAC donation, saying they had "…really corrupted our democracy," Cruz spokesperson Emily Miller is actually taking funds as a congressman from at least one, J Street PAC, which she called "anti-Israel."

She said O’Rourke, "travels all over Texas claiming that PACs are corrupt, and he’s made his alleged rejection of PAC influence a cornerstone of his campaign. But now we know that O’Rourke’s actions have not matched his words, and he has accepted significant fundraising support from the extremist, yet influential, anti-Israel J Street PAC to aid his candidacy. If O’Rourke does believe that PAC support is corrupting, then he should immediately return the $172,285 raised for him by J-Street PAC."

The J Street PAC speaks glowingly about O'Rourke on its website, but says it did not contribute directly to O'Rourke's campaign. Rather, the group said it used its resources to collect contributions from "371 unique donors" on the candidate's behalf, according to The Dallas Morning News. The funds were then "bundled" and contributed to the campaign, a common DC practice.

O'Rourke campaign spokesman Chris Evans said the campaign is, "proud of the 215,714 individual contributions coming from real people that helped us out raise the sitting senator and his PACs by more than two to one in the last quarter."

The O'Rourke campaign website links to an article in the Independent Recorder headlined, "Beto O'Rourke advised PACs to remain outside of his race. They aren't listening."

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