Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Lone Conservative On Austin City Council, Ellen Troxclair, Says She Won't Seek Re-Election [#TXPolitics 24/7]

Ellen Troxclair, the lone conservative on Austin's 10-member city council, announced in a Facebook post Wednesday that she would not be seeking re-election this November. 

Troxclair cited a list of achievements, including spearheading property tax relief through a 10% homestead exemption and other fiscally conservative causes on the board. In her announcement, she cites the family sacrifices and "challenges for my small business" as some of the reasons for her decision. She called her time on the board "incredibly fulfilling." Yet, she warns that Austin is "on an unsustainable path," noting "constant over-taxation, over-regulation, lack of prioritizing basic infrastructure needs," among other issues.

Full text of her statement is below:
Today, I announce that I will not be seeking re-election to the Austin City Council, District 8. It has been the honor of a lifetime to represent the people of Southwest Austin and to be the voice for fiscal responsibility at City Hall.
The decision on whether to seek another term has been an incredibly difficult one because I believe so passionately in the work with which my constituents have entrusted me. While I knew taking office would be a sacrifice for my family and a challenge for my small business, I also knew that if I was willing to step up, I could make a difference. The past three and a half years have lived up to those difficult expectations, but have also been incredibly fulfilling.
At the end of my term, I can leave knowing that I accomplished what I set out to do – serve as an advocate for my district, a voice of reason, a fiscal watchdog, an unwavering voice for lowering the cost of living, and a representative of the average Austinite who often feels overlooked at City Hall.
I am proud to have spearheaded property tax relief through a 10% homestead exemption, instituted customer protections for utility billing issues, increased bus service to Southwest Austin, fought to protect small businesses and property rights, provided vital fire service to underserved areas, supported our public safety officers, allocated Hotel Occupancy Taxes to parks and historic sites, and provided funding for sidewalks, traffic signals, pedestrian beacons, parks, and infrastructure throughout the District.
My husband and I have been fortunate enough to bring two children into our family during my term. It has been rewarding to demonstrate the importance of public service to them and to shape the future of the city that they call home.
Despite our good efforts, Austin continues on an unsustainable path. Constant over-taxation, over-regulation, lack of prioritizing basic infrastructure needs, and implementing policies that are detrimental to our economy will continue to push families and businesses out of our city. It is heartbreaking to watch a city that I love race to become a place where the average person cannot afford to live.
I look forward to supporting someone in this election who will continue to provide common-sense, fiscally responsible leadership by focusing on lowering property taxes, reducing traffic, and providing more efficient and effective city services. I’m hopeful that someone with this dedication will step forward. It is also critical that the Austin community support common-sense policymakers across the city, because these changes cannot be made alone.
This will not be the end of my public service. Whether it’s volunteering for local charities, encouraging other young, conservative women to get involved in politics, or helping candidates who share the same values, I will continue to be active and engaged in our community.
I’m endlessly grateful to those who have offered encouragement and support along the way. Thank you to my dedicated staff who have so ably represented our part of the city. Most importantly, thank you to the residents of Southwest Austin for giving me the honor of serving you."

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