Thursday, July 5, 2018

#GovAbbott Takes Pres. Trump To Task Over Aluminum, Steel Tariffs, Says They Will Cost Jobs, Raise Prices [#TXPolitics 24/7]

The Trump administration’s tariffs on aluminium and steel earned criticism from Gov. Greg Abbott last week who said such tariffs have caused harm to his state’s economy, especially in the realm of petroleum production.

The Republican issued an open letter to President Donald Trump on Thursday, beginning his epistle with high praise for the president’s work so far. (Full text viewable HERE)

“I highly commend your commitment to curbing unfair trade practices and putting American businesses and workers first. As your administration continues to champion these businesses and workers, please consider the negative impact that the new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports and other goods will have on the economy of Texas and the nation as a whole.”

Abbott went on to point out the tenuous position in which the oil and gas industry finds itself, noting the sector stands to either benefit or be hindered by the relationships and supplies of aluminium and steel available to it at affordable prices.

He ended his letter by heaping praise on the famously mercurial president, who has been known to turn on those who even mildly criticize his positions or statements.

"Once again, I highly commend your commitment to curbing unfair trade practices and putting American businesses and workers first,” Abbott wrote. “As your administration continues to champion these businesses and workers, please consider the negative impact that the new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports and other goods will have on the economy of Texas and the nation as a whole."

Source: Aluminum Insider

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