Saturday, July 7, 2018

Democratic Challenger To 7th Cong. Dist. GOP Incumbent Raised Over $1 million In 2nd Quarter Filing [#TXPolitics 24/7]

Lizzie Pannill Fletcher, Democratic challenger in the Seventh Congressional district, has raised more than $1 million in the second fundraising quarter of 2018, entering July with nearly $800,000 cash on hand.

Fletcher is running against GOP Rep. John Culberson in the Houston district. Culberson, who was first elected to Congress in 2000 and gas served on the House Appropriations Committee, has not yet released his second-quarter campaign financial report

Her campaign website reports that in the second quarter of 2018, more than 75% of Fletcher's funds came from within Texas, with more than 68% coming from Houston-area residents. She has raised more than $2 million since she entered the race.

The Seventh District is highly competitive - Hillary Clinton carried it by 49% in 2016, but she was the first Democratic presidential candidate to win the district since 1968. Fletcher has been endorsed by EMILY’s List, a leading national organization dedicated to electing pro-choice Democratic women to office, NARAL, a nationwide abortion rights group, and is designated a "Red to Blue" candidate by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, meaning they have high hopes of flipping this district in November.

Lizzie is the first woman partner at AZA, a Houston law firm. She co-founded Planned Parenthood Young Leaders, and currently serves on the boards of directors for Writers in the Schools (WITS) and Open Dance Project.

[More reporting: Dallas Morning News; Houston Chronicle]

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