Thursday, June 7, 2018

State Rep. Larry Gonzales Resigning To Focus On Building His Graphic Design Business [TX Politics 24/7 blog]

The Statesman reports that State Rep. Larry Gonzales (R-Round Rock) is resigning to focus his attention on rebuilding his graphic design business. His resignation is effective Thursday, June 7.

He told the Statesman:
"Forty-eight years old, self-employed and two kids in high school - it’s very difficult for guys like me to make a living and to serve as a legislator. I’m honored to do it but it’s no doubt that it's taken a little toll on my family and it’s time to get that back in order,"
State legislators make $600 per month, or $7,200 per year, plus a per diem of $190 for every day the Legislature is in session (also including any special sessions). That adds up to $33,800 a year for a regular session (140 days), with the total pay for a two-year term being $41,000.

Photo: The Statesman/Ricardo B. Brazziell 

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