Sunday, June 17, 2018

Cruz Defends "Zero Tolerance" Family Separation Policy, O'Rourke Calls It "Inhumane" [TXPolitics24/7 blog]

Sen. Ted Cruz is defending the Trump administration's policy of separating children from parents who are attempting to enter the US illegally, while his opponent, Rep. Beto O'Rourke, called the practice, "inhumane."

In reporting by The Dallas Morning News, the paper stressed that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has implemented a "zero tolerance" policy for illegal border crossing, and said the policy of separating children from parents when they're detained, as a deterrent against illegal immigration.

But Cruz noted that the policy was enforced in the Obama administration, as well.

"There's no doubt that the images that we've seen of children, and children being separated from their parents, are heartbreaking. They were heartbreaking when Obama was president," Cruz told reporters Saturday after speaking at the Texas Republican convention. "I visited the Obama camps that he set up to detain little boys and little girls who crossed the border illegally. Illegal immigration produces human tragedies that are wrong."

In fact, a March 11, 2015 Washington Post story outlined the policy of holding children of migrants in camps, often without their parents knowing where they were being held.

"When you see reporters, when you see Democrats saying, 'Don't separate kids from their parents,' what they're really saying is don't arrest illegal aliens," Cruz said Monday.

Cruz's Democratic opponent, Rep. Beto O'Rourke, planned to lead a Father's Day march Sunday to the Tornillo tent camp, 35 miles southeast of El Paso.

O'Rourke denounced the "inhumane separation of children from their parents" and the conditions at the tent camp, and complained that migrants who present themselves at ports of entry, seeking legal asylum, are being denied due process.

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