Friday, December 14, 2018

Lawmaker Wants To Give Teachers The Right To Hang Ten Commandments In Texas Classrooms [#TXPOLITICS 24/7]

A state lawmaker has introduced a bill to allow the Ten Commandments in Texas classrooms, opening up a potential can of worms - or distraction, depending on who's asking.

The Star-Telegram, among others, is reporting that State Rep. Dan Flynn of Van wants to make sure that any Texas teacher who wants to display the Ten Commandments in his or her classroom may do so.
That’s why he filed House Bill 307 that says school officials — particularly school board trustees — cannot prevent copies of those commandments from being posted “in a prominent location” in classrooms.
“I think it’s a good idea,” said Flynn. “If a teacher wants to put it in her classroom, she should be able to do it just as if she wanted to put up Halloween, Thanksgiving or any other decorations.
The paper reminds readers that " Public displays of the Ten Commandments have sparked legal battles in the past. And this one likely will too, if Texas lawmakers approve it during the upcoming legislative session that begins Jan. 8."

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Texas House GOP Caucus Gets Behind Rep. Dennis Bonnen As Speaker Candidate [#TXPOLITICS 24/7]

During a brief meeting of the House Republican Caucus, members of the GOP have unanimously nominated Rep. Dennis Bonnen (R - Angleton) as their choice for speaker of the Texas House, reports Empower Texans' Texas Scorecard newsletter.

After the meeting, State Rep. Dustin Burrows (R–Lubbock), who chairs the caucus, told the Scorecard that House Republicans were looking forward to Bonnen leading the chamber to conservative victories in 2019.

The key word here is "conservative."

It's not been at all a secret that many Texas Republicans have hoped that the Speaker Joe Straus era - marked by his moderate-to-liberal leadership style and a failure to push, or back, a conservative agenda and conservative-leaning legislation in the House - will end as soon as the 2019 session begins. They're getting their wish, it seems.

Bonnen has had the nomination, and the race, in the bag for a few weeks, and has already been hiring staff and preparing an agenda.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

AG Ken Paxton Sues San Antonio For Violating Anti-Sanctuary City Law [#TXPOLITICS 24/7]

The state of Texas is suing the city of San Antonio for an alleged violation of the state’s 2017 anti-“sanctuary cities” law, in the state’s first enforcement action against a city under the statue, reports the Texas Tribune.

The lawsuit, filed Friday in Travis County District Court by the office of Attorney General Ken Paxton, centers on a December 2017 incident when San Antonio police discovered a trailer carrying 12 individuals from Guatemala who were suspected of being undocumented.

The state law, passed as Senate Bill (SB) 4, seeks to punish localities and local officials for “adopting, enforcing or endorsing” policies that specifically prohibit or limit enforcement of immigration law.

Gov. Abbott tweeted Friday night, "Cities that violate the Texas ban on Sanctuary Cities face serious consequences."

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Pres. George H.W. Bush Dies: Links To Media Coverage [#TXPOLITICS 24/7]

Former President George Bush, a war hero, father of a president and founder of the modern Texas Republican Party who presided over momentous global changes and an influential political family dynasty, died at 10 p.m. Friday. He was 94.

Below are links to media coverage and obituaries. More will be added throughout the day.

TX POLITICS 24/7 extends sincere condolences to the Bush family at this time of grief and remembrance.

The Dallas Morning News
The Texas Tribune
The Houston Chronicle
San Antonio Express-News
The Washington Times
ABC News